Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Melee Weapons

Players Weapons

The player is able to use a variety of fire power, explosives, and melee weapons to destroy enemies however they should feel fit. The combat will be slow paced with zombies that move slowly encircle players and kill them slowly. Team work will be essential to prevent the zombies from flanking the survivors entirely.

Melee Weapons

The player will have a wide variety of melee weapons available to them that are determined by which level is selected; the weapons are unique to that level unless the player has them stored in their house. Each weapon will be either used by swinging, slicing, or stabbing. The player is also able to throw their weapon to slow down or knock down the oncoming enemy but at the cost of doing significantly less damage,
** = Weapons can only be found by killing the zombies that are carrying them.
* = The weapon will shatter after use and will fade away in 15 seconds.

Common Melee Weapons

These Weapons can be found in any of the levels and are at a very common supply. Melee weapons should be enjoyable to use in any situation of the game. All melee weapons will be used silently to not alert zombies in the nearby rooms.


• 45 Damage when swung
• 20 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Average weapon speed

The Tire Iron**

• 30 Damage when swung
• 15 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Fast weapon speed

Fire Ax**

• 50 Damage when swung
• 15 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Average weapon speed


• 75 Damage when swung
• 50 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Can only be used once
• Slow weapon speed

Beer Bottles*(first hit breaks half way)
• 15 Damage when swung first
• 35 Damage when stabbed
• 40 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Fast weapon speed

Death in downtown

Kitchen Knife
• 30 Damage when swung
• 45 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Fast weapon speed

Frying Pan
• 30 Damage when swung
• 15 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Fast weapon speed

Cups (more useful as a throwing weapon when found in quantity)*
• 20 Damage when swung
• 10 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Can only be used once before breaking
• Very Fast weapon speed

Lead Pipe
• 40 Damage when swung
• 20 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Average weapon speed

The Farm

Pitch Fork
• 50 Damage when stabbed
• 30 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Slow weapon speed

Horse Whip
• 15 Damage when swung
• 5 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Very Fast weapon speed

• 10 Damage when swung
• 15 Damage when thrown
• Ties enemy for 3 seconds
• Average weapon speed

• 40 Damage when swung
• 15 Damage when thrown
• Ties enemy for 3 seconds
• Average weapon speed

Blood Beach

• 50 Damage when swung
• 20 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down Enemy
• Average weapon speed

Drum Cymbal
• 10 Damage when swung
• 46 Damage when thrown
• Stuns enemy
• Fast weapon speed

Beach Umbrella
• 15 Damage when swung
• 30 Damage when thrown
• Knocks down enemy
• Average weapon speed

Surf Board
(Image not yet completed)
• 25 Damage when swung
• 10 Damage when thrown
• Stuns down enemy
• Slow weapon speed

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